Privacy policy of El Paseo Apartments

We have prepared the following privacy policy in accordance with the new regulation RGPD (EU) 2016/679. In it we explain the type of data that we collect, why we do this and what we are doing with this data and 3/2028 from 05 december in the Reglament (UE) 2016 679 of Parlamento Europeo and Conseil from 27 april of 2016,

In the privacy policy, the user is informed and accepts expressly, freely, specifically and unequivocally his consents, that personal and navigation data provided in the homepage are treated by the company Actividades El Paseo, S.L. Even so, when you make your reservation through, your will be exposed automatically.

This privacy policy applies to the company El Paseo, which is therefore responsible for the obtained data.



Actividades El Paseo, S.L.

Cif: B35416437

Calle Luna, 5

35100 Playa del Inglés – Gran Canaria

Telephone: 928761122



The information we request is contact information: name, surname, telephone and email.

Personal information: address, date of birth, identity card or passport number.

Credit or debit card at the time of booking

Dates of stay and the observations made to us in reference to reservations.

In the case of visits to our website, regardless of whether it is booked or not, the IP address, access date, internet browser, type of device and the clicks made on our pages are collected.



To manage reservations and stays at the hotel.

Sending confirmations or information about the reservation made.

Answering requests and questions asked.

For preparation of invoices and budgets.

To fulfill local and legal obligations.

The data provided by the cookies on our website, help us to improve the user’s experience on the web, analyze the web page, see which pages work best, worse and how we can improve.



We do not sell data to other enterprises

The occasions in which the data are shared with third parties are the following:

Physical or online travel agencies: when you make the reservation through an intermediary such as travel agencies etc. and they provide us with your information, we may have to contact them for any question regarding the reservation.

Reservation management systems: Siteminder Distribution Limited is currently the company that manages the booking engine of our website.

We do not release the data to third parties except in cases that are mandatory by law, such as state security forces (Police and Guardia Civil) and government institutions if they require it.

Financial institutions: if a refund has to be made or there is a problem or error with a credit or debit card transaction during the reservation, it may be the case that we have to share certain booking information with the corresponding bank to manage the problem. This may include a copy of the confirmation of your reservation or the IP address used to make your reservation.



Data transfers are not made to third countries located outside the European Economic Area.



The data can come directly from the clients, from third parties that reserve for another person, for example in the case of company reservations, or through both physical and online travel agencies. Reservations made on our website are made through an integrated reservation engine managed by SiteMinder with its own privacy policy or through the contact form.



Performance of a contract: in our case, being an apartment complex, it would be the realization, modification or cancellation of a reservation and the provision of the service. Sending data concerning the reservation and answering questions and requests.

Legitimate interests: provide the right web content, improve our services and for administrative and legal reasons.



The data will be kept during the contractual relationship and / or during the period necessary to answer the requests. Once the contractual relationship ends, the data will be kept during the limitation period of legal actions that may arise from said relationship.



The user guarantees that he / she is of legal age and that the information provided to Apartamentos El Paseo is true, accurate and up-to-date.

If you provide third party information, for example if you reserve a room for another person, you must have informed that person of our privacy policy.

The user will be responsible for the false or inaccurate information provided to Apartamentos El Paseo and the damages that may be caused to both El Paseo Apartments and third parties.



In Apartamentos El Paseo we apply both technical and organizational measures for the protection of personal data against access, loss and disclosure of data.

Our website uses an external platform, with SSL encryption so that credit card transactions are safe.



At any time you can exercise your right of access rights, rectification, suppression and opposition, portability and limitation of the treatment collected in RGPD (EU) 2016/679, by writing to or or to the above address.

To do this you must attach a photocopy of the identity document.

You can make a claim with the Spanish Agency for data protection when you consider that the rights recognized in the current data protection regulations have been violated.


This privacy policy may be modified to adapt to new regulations and new conditions that may arise.