My name is Julia Steinke and I was born in Munich on 2nd December of 1967. There I went to the school and later I got graduated in the state Secondary school. When I finished learning I went to England for three months and to France for other three months, where I went to the high school to improve my knowledge about both languages. Afterwards I studied for one year at the School hotel “Hotelfachschule Dr. Speiser” in the Tegernsee. Afterwards I made an apprenticeship for two years in a hotel and I got the title of “Hotelfachfrau”. I arrived to Gran Canaria in May 1991. First I worked as a tourist guide for one year, then as reservation manager and sales assistant at the hotel “Steinberger La Canaria” for three and half years and later, for six years, as assistant of the management at the Hotel “Interclub Atlantic” and “IFA Beach”. In 2001 I started working in “Apartments El Paseo”. My duties in El Paseo are the following: Reception, reservation, customer service, responsible since 2003 for the environmental System EMAs and ISO14001. Training courses in: “First Aid and Rescue for swimming pools”, “ New Trends in Marketing”, “ Environmental protection system EMAS y ISO14001”,” Implementation of an environmental management system”, “Environmental regulations for businesses” ,” Conference on sustainable development in the Canaries”.
I’ve got two cats and my hobbies are: listening music, swimming and reading.
I hope to welcome you soon at Apartments El Paseo.